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If I Were Mayor Contest- 2021
Our very own Madalyn Coleman won 1st place in the Elementary Poster category at the state level of the OMA “If I Were Mayor…” Student Contest.
Here is her winning submission:
Share your creative ideas about what you would do as mayor. Local winners are entered into the state contest for a chance to win a prize worth $500!
Participate in the 2021 "If I Were Mayor, I Would..." student contest, sponsored by the Oregon Mayors Association (OMA) for your chance to win!
Here is How it Works:
All entries must be received by April 20, 2021 at 5:00 pm and accompanied by the official entry form. Please submit entries to City Hall, 3225 Main Street or to jfisher@sweethomeor.gov. Call (541) 367-8969 with any questions. The Mayor will select one finalist from the following:
- Elementary School (grade 4-5) - Posters Contest
- Middle School (grade 6-8) - Essay Contest
- High School (grades 9-12) - Digital Media Presentations (e.g. Video, MP4, Pitcherific, Videoscribe etc.)
The winning students will be recognized during a City Council meeting and have their picture taken in the Mayor's seat. Those student entries will also be submitted to the Oregon Mayor's Association for the statewide contest and a chance to win an iPad.
Contest Rules:
- All submissions must be accompanied by a completed entry form. All forms for students under age 18 must be signed by the student’s parent or guardian. Entry forms may be photocopied.
- Only one submission per student will be accepted at the state level.
- Previous statewide winners may participate, but are not eligible to receive a prize in the same category (grade level) they previously won in. They are eligible to receive a prize in a new category.
- State level submissions become the property of the Oregon Mayors Association (OMA).
- OMA retains the right to publish state-level entries along with the names and likenesses of each student.
- League of Oregon Cities (LOC) employees and dependents are not eligible to enter.
- The poster contest is open to students enrolled in grades 4 and 5 or being home-schooled at the same grade level for the 2020-21 school year.
- Poster size must be a minimum of 17” and a maximum of 28” in height or width.
- Students are encouraged to be creative and may use any art medium (e.g., poster paints, felt pens, colored pencils, pastels, crayons, three-dimensional art, etc.). The poster may be in color or black and white.
- The student’s name and a daytime phone number or email address for their parent or guardian must appear on the back of the poster.
- The essay contest is open to students enrolled in grades 6 through 8 or being home-schooled at the same grade level for the 2020-21 school year.
- Essays must be 500 to 1,000 words in length and typed.
- The student’s name and a daytime phone number or email address for their parent or guardian must appear at the top of the essay.
DIGITAL MEDIA PRESENTATIONS (MP4 video, Pitcherific, Videoscribe, etc.):
- The digital media presentation contest is open to students enrolled in grades 9 through 12 or being home-schooled at the high school level for the 2020-21 school year.
- Presentations must be one to three minutes in length and may be submitted on disk or emailed.
- The student’s name and a daytime phone number or email address for their parent or guardian must be written on the disk or disk sleeve or in the body of the email.