
The Executive Department is to provide professional management in the day-to-day activities of the City.  The City Manager is responsible for all personnel, risk management, purchasing, property management, as well as overseeing the work plans of all City departments in conformance with the vision, goals and objectives established by the Mayor and City Council.


Jason Ogden Jason Ogden City Manager / Police Chief (541) 367-8969 jogden@sweethomeor.gov
Cecily, a smiling blonde woman Cecily Hope Pretty Interim Assistant City Manager (541) 367-8969 cpretty@sweethomeor.gov
Ryan Daniels Ryan Daniels Administrative Services Manager (541) 818-7110 rdaniels@sweethomeor.gov
man with beard Adam Leisinger Special Projects Manager (541) 818-8032 aleisinger@sweethomeor.gov