Municipal Court

The Municipal Court is the judicial branch of the City of Sweet Home Government.  It has jurisdiction over all city and state law offenses committed within city limits other than felonies.  The Court handles misdemeanor crimes (with a few exceptions), traffic violations, and city code violations occurring within the city.  Traffic citations may be handled at the clerk's counter before the court date.  Municipal Court is held typically every 2nd and 4th Wednesday.  Official court dates are posted on the City's calendar.


Value Statement

​Sweet Home Municipal Court provides a neutral forum that ensures defendants the constitutional right to due process through effective and efficient adjudication of cases and ensures enforcement of sanctions.

For more court information see the resources below:
Carol Moffet Carol Moffet Court Administrator (541) 367-4660
Becky Rebecca Huenergardt Court Clerk II (541) 367-4660