City Fees

The fee schedule was adopted by the Sweet Home City Council on July 1, 2023

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General Fees | City Recorder | Facility Rental Fees | Equipment Rental RatesOther Facility Fees & Deposits
Community Development Fees Temporary Recreation Vehicle Occupancy Permit 
Park/Facility Use Processing Fees | Park Equipment Rental | Building Permit Fees 
Manufactured Dwelling Permits | Demolition Permits | Solar Installation Specialty Code | Grading Permits | Mechanical Permit Fees | Plumbing Permits | Manufactured Home and Mobile Home/RV Parks 
Police Department Fees | Library Services Fees | Finance Department | Public Works Fees | Engineering Fees


Photocopies Black and white 8.5 X 11 .25 per side
Color 8.5 X 11 .50 per side
Black and white 11 x 17 .50 per side
Color 11 x 17 1.00 per side
Fax - local only .25 per page
Public Meeting Records - Audio CD 5.00 each
Packaging, Mailing and Postage Actual Costs
Returned Check Fee $35.00
Recording Fees - Recording of Easements, Improvement Agreements and Liens Current Linn County recording fees PLUS $10.00 administrative fee
Filing Fee for Declaration of Candidacy for an Elective Position $10.00
Annual Subscription Mailed - City Council Packet $240.00
Annual Subscription Mailed - City Council Agenda $24.00
Annual Subscription Mailed - All Public Meeting Agendas $36.00
Liquor License  
Liquor License, New $100.00
Liquor License, Temporary Sales $35.00
Liquor License, Change of Ownership, Additional Privileges $75.00
Liquor License, Renewal $35.00
Hero Banner $100.00
Veteran's Memorial Brick $25.00 Paver, $35.00 Paver with Logo
Taxi License Fee $25.00 First Vehicle, $10.00 Each Vehicle Thereafter, fees for the remainder of the year.
Conference Rooms Ames               Santiam          Wiley          Council Chambers
During Operating Hours
Government & Non-Profit Groups $10/hr               $15/hr             $20/hr          $25/hr
Public Groups $15/hr               $20/hr             $25/hr          $30/hr
Private Groups $20/hr               $25/hr             $30/hr          $35/hr
During Hours of Closure
Government & Non-Profit Groups $20/hr                $30/hr             $40/hr          $50/hr
Public Groups $30/hr                $40/hr             $50/hr          $60/hr
Private Groups $40/hr                $50/hr             $60/hr          $70/hr
Additional Facilities  
City Hall Fenced Parking Lot $5/day or $25/month per vehicle, plus $5/month to swap an additional vehicle in the same place. No overnight camping or RV parking. Not for vehicle storage. Must provide a waiver of liability.
Library Parking Lot $5/day or $25/month per vehicle, plus $5/month to swap an additional vehicle in the same place. No overnight camping or RV parking. Not for vehicle storage. Must provide a waiver of liability.
AV/IT System $20.00
Tables and Chairs Included
Keurig Coffee Machine & Pods (15 Guests) $10.00
PA System $20.00
Non-Refundable Fee (After Hours Use) $50.00
Refundable Deposit for Non-profit, Govt & Public Groups $100.00
Refundable Deposit for Private Groups/Businesses $150.00
Refundable Key Deposit $200.00
Non-Refundable Cleaning Fee Included
Packaging, Mailing and Postage Actual Costs
Annexation and Rezone $1,500.00
Adjustments $350.00
Appeal $610.00
Compensation Claim Appeal SHMC 03.30.150 Initial Deposit $1,000.00.  Balance in Excess of Actual Cost to be Refunded.
Comprehensive Plan Amendment $1,500.00
Conditional Use (Public Hearing) $650.00
Fence Permit $25.00
Home Occupation $200.00
Interpretations $75.00
Land Use Compatibility Statement Sign-Off $35.00
Measure 56 Mailing Actual Notice Costs
Nonconforming Uses $650.00
Open Storage Permit Non Refundable Fee of Zero Dollars Per Year
Ordinance Legal Interpretation $155.00
Other Land Use Decisions Cost of Service ($150 deposit)
Partition $350.00
Planned Development - Tentative and Final $1,000.00 + $25.00 per lot
Planning Research and Letters $60.00/hr.(1 hour minimum)
Property Line Adjustment $160.00
Property Line Adjustment Replat $200.00
Secondary applications file concurrently 50% of regular fee
Site Development Review $75.00
Subdivision - Tentative and Final $1,000.00 + $25.00 per lot
Transient Merchant Permit $25.00
Vacation of Right of Way $1,500.00
Variance (Public Hearing) $650.00
Zone Map Amendment $1,500.00
Zone Text Amendment $1,500.00
Temporary Recreation Vehicle Occupancy Permit
See Resolution No. 3 for 2014
0-7 days per rolling twelve (12) month period No permit or permit fee required
1-15 days per rolling twelve (12) month period $50.00 - Permit Required
Permit extension for period of time greater than that stated in the original permit not to exceed sixty (60) days based on a rolling twelve (12) month period $35.00 - Permit Required
1-60 days per rolling twelve (12) month period $85.00 - Permit Required
Park/Facility Use Processing Fees
Bandstand $15.00/hour or $100.00 maximum;   $100.00 refundable deposit
Camping Sites Tent Sites $30/day, RV Sites $60/day
Community Garden Plots $35.00/year
Gazebo $15.00/hour or $100.00 maximum;   $100.00 refundable deposit
Girl Scout Hut $15.00/hour or $100.00 maximum;   $100.00 refundable deposit
Outdoor Event Center $15.00/hour or $100.00 maximum;   $100.00 refundable deposit
Racquetball Court City Resident Individual $60.00/year
Racquetball Court City Resident Household $84.00/year
Racquetball Court Non-City Resident Individual $84.00/year
Racquetball Court Non-City Resident Household $120.00/year
Racquetball Court Employee Only No Fee
Racquetball Court Employee Household $25.00/year
Weddle Bridge $15.00/hour or $100.00 maximum;   $100.00 refundable deposit
Equipment Rental
Items described below are subject to availability. A 24-hour notice is required before pick-up. Two-day maximum rental.
Table $5.00/table $100.00 refundable deposit;  Replacement cost $60.00
Chairs $1.00/chair $100.00 refundable deposit;  Replacement cost $35.00
2' Fold Up Barricade $3.00/ Barricade;  Replacement cost $35.00
2' Fold Up Plastic Barricades $3.00/Barricade;  Replacement Cost $48.00
8' Barricade $3.00/Barricade;  Replacement Cost $97.00
Small Barricade - "No Park" $3.00/Barricade;  Replacement Cost $40.00
Photo Cell Battery Light $3.00/Light;  Replacement Cost $40.00
18" Traffic Cones $3.00/Cone;  Replacement Cost $15.00
28" Traffic Cones with Reflective Strip $3.00/Cone;  Replacement Cost $20.00
Construction Signs with Sign Holders $10.00/Sign;  Replacement Cost $165.00 set
Slow/Stop Paddle $3.00/Each;  Replacement Cost $30.00
Slow/Stop Paddle with 30" Handle $5.00/Each;  Replacement Cost $38.00
Slow/Stop Paddle with 60" Handle $5.00/Each;  Replacement Cost $21.00
Hydrant Wrench $5.00/Each;  Replacement Cost $35.00
Safety Vests Replacement Cost $12.00 each
Equipment Delivery/Pickup $50.00 during business hours, $100.00 after hours
Structural Permits
Building Permit Fees: Permit fees are based on the value of construction as per the most current ICC Building Valuation Table.
Total Value 1.00 to 500.00 $50.00
Total Value 501.00 to 2,000.00 50.00 for the first 500.00 plus 2.52 for each additional 100.00 or fraction thereof, to and including 2,000.00
Total Value 2,001.00 to 25,000.00 87.80 for the first 2,000.00 plus 10.08 for each additional 100.00 or fraction thereof, to and including 25,000.00
Total Value 25,001.00 to 50,000.00 319.64 for the first 25,000.00 plus 7.56 for each additional 1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including 50,000.00
Total Value 50,001 to 100,000.00 508.64 for the first 50,00.00 plus 5.04 for each additional 1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including 100,000.00
Total Value 100,001.00 and up 760.64 for the first 100,00.00 plus 4.00 for each additional 1,000.00 or fraction thereof
Residential - One and Two Family, stand alone, Fire Suppression System - as noted in OAR 918-050-0140
Use Structural Permit Fee valuation table above for Commercial Fire Suppression System permit fees
0 - 2,000 square feet $100.00
2,001 - 3,600 square feet $150.00
3,601 - 7,200 square feet $200.00
Over 7,200 square feet $250.00
Other Structural Inspections
Plan Review Fee 65% of the Building Permit Fee
Fire, Life, Safety Review 40% of the Building Permit Fee
Inspections outside of normal business hours under special circumstances with pre-arrangement - Two Hour Minimum 100.00 per hour
Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated - One Hour Minimum 65.00 per hour
Re-Inspection Fee 50.00 per inspection
Additional Plan Review required by changes, additions, or revisions to approved plans - One Hour Minimum 65.00 per hour
Deferred Plans Submittal - Portions of a building design are allowed to be submitted separately. Does not apply to deferred permits. In addition to the project plan review fee based on total project value. 65% of the building permit fee calculated using the value of the particular deferred portion or portions of the project with a minimum fee of 250.00 per deferral. Deferrals are defined by Plan Review Staff
Structural Investigation Fee: In addition to the permit fee Average or actual additional cost of ensuring compliance with this code and shall be in addition to required permit fees $100.00 Minimum
Phased Permitting - Allows construction to begin on a portion or portions of a building before the construction documents for the whole building have been submitted.
Single family dwellings and duplexes - in addition to standard permit fees $150.00 application fee per phase plus 10% of the total building permit fee not to exceed $1,500.00
All other structures - in addition to standard permit fees $250.00 application fee per phase plus 10% of the total building permit fee not to exceed $1,500.00.
3rd Party Plan Review per OAR 918-020-0090(3)(E) (customer contracted) - Administrative processing fee 10% of the building permit fee, maximum fee of $250.00
Manufactured Dwelling Permits
Manufactured Dwelling Placement Fee: per installation (fee includes the concrete slab, runners or foundations, electrical feeder and plumbing connections and all cross-over connections, OAR 918-050-0130(1) - Fee includes inspection on items required at each site, installation, and final inspections. This fee does not include plumbing or electrical service installation permits fees. $250.00
State Manufactured Dwelling and Cabana Installation Administrative Fee (per permit) $30.00
Other Manufactured Dwelling Inspections
Inspections outside of normal business hours under special circumstances with pre-arrangememt - Two Hour Minimum $100.00 per hour
Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated- One Hour Minimum $65.00 per hour
Re-inspection fee $50.00 per inspection
Additional plan review required by changes, additions, or revisions to approved plans - One Hour Minimum $65.00 per hour
Demolition Permits
Structural Removal Flat Fee $50.00
Each Additional 1,000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof $15.00
Plumbing Fixture Capping Fee $20.00 per fixture
Electrical Disconnect - PPL Responsibility N/A
Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated - One Hour Minimum $65.00 per hour
Solar Installation Specialty Code
Engineered Systems Permit Fees: Permit fees are based on the market value of the work to be performed, including structural elements for the solar panels, including racking, mounting, rails and labor as per the most current ICC Building Valuation Table
See Structural Permit Fee valuation table for Permit Fee
Prescriptive Path Installations: As per the Oregon Solar Installation Specialty Code 305.4 (Includes plan review and one inspection) $150.00
Plan Review for Engineered Systems 65% of Permit Fee
Inspections of Prescriptive Path Installations (after the first inspection) One Hour Minimum $65.00 per Hour
Grading Permits
10 cubic yards or less No fee
11 to 50 cubic yards $23.50
51 to 100 cubic yards $37.00
101 to 1,000 cubic yards $37.50 for the first 100 cubic yards, plus $17.50 for each additional 1,000 cubic yards
1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards $194.50 for the first 1,000 cubic yards, plus $14.50 for each additional 1,000 cubic yards
10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards $325 for the first 10,000 cubic yards, plus $66.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards
100,001 cubic yards or more $919.00 for the first 100,000 cubic yards, plus $36.50 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards
Grading Plan Review
50 cubic yards of less No fee
51 to 100 cubic yards $23.50
101 to 1,000 cubic yards $37.00
1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards $49.25
10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards $49.25 for the first 10,000 cubic yards plus $24.50 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards
100,001 to 200,000 cubic yards $269.75 for the first 100,000 cubic yards, plus $13.25 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards
200,001 cubic yards or more $404.25 for the first 200,000 cubic yards plus $7.25 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof
Other Grading Inspections
Inspections outside of normal business hours under special circumstances with pre-arrangement - Two Hour Minimum $100.00 per hour
Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated - One Hour Minimum $65.00 per hour
Re-Inspection Fee $50.00
Additional plan review required by changes, additions, or revisions to approved plans - One Hour Minimum $65.00 per hour
Mechanical Permit Fees
Residential Mechanical Permit
Minimum Permit Fee $65.00
Installation/relocation forced air or gravity type furnace or burner, including attached ducts and vents, up to 100,000BTU $25.00
Installation/relocation forced air or gravity type furnace or burner, including attached ducts and vents, over 100,000BTU $30.00
Installation/relocation floor furnace $20.00
Installation/relocation suspended heater $20.00
Installation, relocation, or replacement of appliance vents not included in an appliance permit $15.00
Repair of, alteration of, or addition to each heating, refrigeration, cooling, absorption, or evaporative unit or system, including controls $20.00
Boiler or compressor up to 3 horsepower, or each absorption system up to 100,000 BTU/h $20.00
Boiler or compressor over 3 and up to 15 horsepower, or each absorption system over 100,000 and up to 500,000 BTU/h $25.00
Boiler or compressor over15 and up to 30 horsepower, or each absorption system over 500,000 and up to 1,000,000 BTU/h $40.00
Boiler or compressor over 30 and up to 50 horsepower, over 500,000 and up to 1,750,000 BTU/h $55.00
Installation or relocation of each boiler or refrigeration compressor over 50 horsepower or absorption system over 1,750,000 BTU/h $55.00
Each air handling unit up to 10,000 cubic feet per minute, including attached ducts $15.00
Each air handling unit exceeding 10,000 cfm $25.00
Each evaporative cooler, other than portable types, air conditioning units and/or heat pumps $20.00
Each ventilation fan connected to a single duct $15.00
Each ventilation system which is not a portion of heating or air conditioning system authorized by permit $20.00
Installation of each hood served by mechanical exhaust, including ducts $20.00
Installation or relocation of each domestic type incinerator $20.00
Each appliance or piece of equipment regulation by this code, but not classed in other applicant categories, or no other fee is listed. $20.00
Fuel piping system with 1 to 4 outlets $20.00
Fuel piping system with 5 or more outlets $5.00 per outlet
Other Mechanical Inspections
Mechanical Plan Review - Residential 25% of Residential Mechanical Permit Fee
Inspections outside of normal business hours (Two Hour Minimum) $100.00 per/hour
Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated (One Hour Minimum) $65.00 per hour
Reinspection fee $50.00 per inspection
Additional plan review required by changes, additions, or revisions to approved plans (One Hour Minimum) $65.00 per hour
Mechanical Investigation Fee Average or actual additional cost of ensuring compliance with this code and shall be in addition to required permit fees - $100.00 Minimum.
Commercial Mechanical Permit Fees
Total Valuation $1.00 to $2,000.00 $65.00
Total Valuation $2,001.00 to $25,000.00 $65.00 for the first $2,000 plus $11.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000
Total Valuation $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $318.00 for the first $25,000 plus $9.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000
Total Valuation $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $543.00 for the first $50,000 plus $6.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000
Total Valuation $100,001.00 and up $843.00 for the first $100,000 plus $4.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof
Other Commercial Mechanical Inspection
Mechanical Plan Review - Commercial 25% of the Commercial Mechanical permit fee
Reinspection Fee $50.00 per inspection
Inspections outside of normal business hours - Two Hour Minimum $100.00 per hour
Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated - One Hour Minimum $65.00 per hour
Additional Plan Review required by changes, additions, or revisions to the approved plans - One Hour Minimum $65.00 per hour
Mechanical Investigation Fee Average or actual additional cost of ensuring compliance with this code and shall be in addition to required permit fees - $100 Minimum
Plumbing Permits
Residential Plumbing Permit Fees
Minimum Permit Fee $90.00
Plan Review, if required 30% of permit fee
Water Service/Building Sewer/Storm Sewer
Water service - first 100 feet or fraction thereof $50.00
Water service - each additional 100 feet of fraction thereof $30.00
Sanitary sewer - first 100 feet or fraction thereof $50.00
Sanitary sewer - each additional 100 feet of fraction thereof $30.00
Storm sewer (includes rain drain and footing) - first 100 feet of fraction thereof $50.00
Storm sewer (includes rain drain and footing) - each additional 100 feet of fraction thereof $30.00
New One- and Two-Family Dwellings
Includes one kitchen, first 100 feet of water and sewer, hose bibs, ice maker, underfloor low-point drains, and rain-drain packages (including piping, gutters, downspouts and perimeter system)
1 Bath $260.00
2 Bath $320.00
3 Bath $370.00
Each additional bathroom in addition to 3 $80.00
Each additional kitchen in addition to 1 $80.00
Fixture Fee $20.00
Backflow preventer / Backwater Valve $40.00
One- and Two-Family Continuous Loop/Multipurpose Fire Suppression System Permit as noted in OAR 918-050-0140
0 - 2000 square feet $100.00
2001 - 3600 square feet $150.00
3601 - 7,200 square feet $200.00
Over 7,200 square feet $250.00
Manufactured Homes Utilities- sewer collection and water distribution $110.00
Commercial Plumbing Permit
Commercial, Industrial
Minimum Fee $150.00
Site Utilities for Water / Sanitary / Storm Sewer (exterior of foundation) trench drains (length of pipe):
First 100 feet or fraction thereof $80.00
Each additional 100 feet of fraction thereof $40.00
Storm water retention / detention tank / facility - Flat Fee $80.00
Pressure reducing valve $25.00
Fixture cap $25.00
Man holes $25.00
Catch basin or area drain $25.00
Absorption valve $25.00
Bath tub/shower/shower pan $25.00
Clothes washer $25.00
Dishwasher $25.00
Drinking fountain $25.00
Expansion tank $25.00
Fixture cap $25.00
Floor or roof drain / floor sink / hub $25.00
Garbage disposal $25.00
Hose Bib $25.00
Ice maker $25.00
Interceptor / grease trap $25.00
Laundry tray $25.00
Sink / basin / lavatory $25.00
Trap primer $25.00
Water closet / urinal $25.00
Water heater $25.00
Other fixture $25.00
Backflow Preventer/Backflow Valve $80.00
Plan Review, if required 30% of Permit Fee
Manufactured Dwelling Parks / RV Parks - Per Space/Site Fee $70.00
Medical Gas Piping - Fee based upon value (Plan Review Required)
Valuation $1.00 - $2,000.00 $75.00
Valuation $2,001.00 - $25,000.00 $75.00 for first $2000.00 + $12.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000.00
Valuation $25,001.00 - $50,000.00 $351.00 for first $25,000 + $10.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000.00
Valuation $50,001.00 - $100,000.00 $601.00 for first $50,000 + $6.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000.00
Valuation $100,000.00 and up $901.00 for first $100,000 + $4.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof
Other Plumbing Inspection - Residential & Commercial
Re-inspections $90.00 per inspection
Inspections outside of normal business hours - Under special circumstances with pre-arrangement - Three Hour Minimum $160.00 per hour
Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated - One Hour Minimum $90.00 per hour
Additional Plan Review required by changes, additions, or revisions to the approved plans. One Hour Minimum $90.00 per hour
Plumbing Investigation Fee Average or actual additional cost of ensuring compliance with this code and shall be in addition to required permit fee - $100 Minimum
Manufactured Home and Mobile Home/RV Parks [1]
OAR 918-600-0030
Valuation $1.00 to $500.00 $15.00
Valuation $501.00 to $2,000.00 $15.00 for first $500 plus $2.00 for each additional $100 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000
Valuation $2,001.00 to $25,000.00 $45.00 for first $2,000 plus $9 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000
Valuation $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $252.00 for first $25,000 plus $6.50 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000
Valuation $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $414.50 for first $50,000 plus $4.50 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000
Valuation $100,001.00 to $500,000.00 $639.50 for first $100,000 plus $3.50 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000
Valuation $500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00 $2,039.50 for first $500,000 plus $2 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000
Valuation of $1,000,001.00 and up $3,539.50 for first $1,000 plus $2 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof
Other Inspections
Re-inspection Fee $50.00 per inspection
Inspections outside of normal business hours Two Hour Minimum $50.00 per hour
Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated - One-Half Hour Minimum $50.00 per hour
Additional Plan Review required by changes, additions, or revisions to the approved plans One-Half Hour Minimum $50.00 per hour
Consultation Fee - One Hour Minimum $30.00 per hour
[1]This permit does not include permits or related fees for park facilities constructed under building, mechanical, plumbing, electrical or manufactured dwelling placement permits.
Manufactured Dwelling / Mobile Home / RV Park Valuation Table
Table 2
Park Class A | Park Class B | Park Class C
Space per Acre 4 | 5,901 | 5,504 | 5,312
Space per Acre 5 | 5,517 | 5,120 | 5,028
Space per Acre 6 | 5,197 | 4,800 | 4,608
Space per Acre 7 | 4,941 | 4,544 | 4,352
Space per Acre 8 | 4,685 | 4,288 | 4,269
Space per Acre 9 | 4,493 | 4,096 | 3,904
Space per Acre 10 | 4,365 | 3,968 | 3,776
Space per Acre 11 | 4,301 | 3,904 | 3,712
Space per Acre 12 | 4,237 | 3,804 | 3,648
Class A = parks contain paved streets curbs & sidewalks
Class B = parks contain paved streets no curbs no sidewalks
Class C = parks contain no paved streets, no curbs but have sidewalks on one side or each street
When a park contains spaces in more than one class, figure the spaces in each class; then add them together to obtain the total valuation of the park.
Plan Review fee is 65% of permit fee.
Photo Copies .25 per side
Bicycle License per bicycle - current owner $2.00
Peddler License Applications $25.00
Alarm Permit $5.00/year (fee waived for residential occupants over the age of 65)
Public Fingerprinting Services (Two Cards)
Residents $20.00
Non-Residents $30.00
False Alarm Fees
1st and 2nd Alarm No Charge
3rd and 4th Alarm $25.00
5th and 6th Alarm $50.00
7th + Alarm $100.00
Reports and Recordings
Research Fee per unknown case number $10.00
Archived Reports prior to 2001 or reports requiring redaction of confidential information: Actual Staff Costs - 1 hour minimum Applicable reproduction cost
Incident Reports (up to 25 pages) $10.00
Additional pages $0.50
Report postage minimum up to 10 pages $3.00
Additional pages .10/each
Evidence Recording (digital audio)
Digital Audio $30.00
Video (minimum up to 2 hours maximum) $50.00
Each additional 2 hours $50.00
Recording postage per CD/DVD $5.00
Evidence Photographs
Film converted to digital $50.00
Photos per case CD/DVD or sent electronically $25.00
Digital printed photos per sheet (max 4/sheet) $10.00
Photograph Postage
Postage per photo CD $5.00
Postage min to 10 printed pages $5.00
Per pages after 10 $0.10
Record Checks
Letters of Clearance (per individual) $15.00
Location/Person overview per individual $10.00
Postage for records checks minimum to 10 pages $2.00
Per page after 10 $0.10
License Investigations
Second Hand Dealer License Processing $20.00
Texas Hold-Em License (annual) $200.00
Social Games $25.00
Photocopies Black and white 8.5 X 11 (self service) .15 per side
                    Color 8.5 X 11 (self service) .50 per side
Library Lost/Destroyed Materials
Lost Library Card Replacement Fee $3.00
Lost/Destroyed Library Materials Actual replacement cost plus 5.00 processing fee
Out of City Library Card
Per household and/or single card per year issued $35.00
Miscellaneous Service and Research Fees
Budget Document (bound copy) Available online $15.00
Audit/CAFR Document (bound copy) Available online $15.00
Municipal Lien Search Fee per Tax Lot $30.00
Reconveyance Fee $160.00
Packaging, Mailing and Postage Actual Costs
Passport Processing Fees/each $35.00
Passport Photographs - 1 set of two $15.00
Water Service Fees
Utility Shut off Notice/Doorhangers $25.00
Reinstating Water Service $40.00
Turning water service on that has been turned off without permit $40.00
Turning off and turning on water service after hours $100.00
Turning off and turning on water service during regular hours $20.00
Re-reading the water meter at request of the user $20.00
Reinstallation of water meters at the request of the user $200.00
Vacationers' water on/off 20.00 each visit
Tampering with a water meter $250.00
Utility Account Deposit $150.00
Utility Account Set Up Fee (non-refundable) $20.00
Temporary Water Service Fee $40.00
Late fee for delinquent accounts 5.00/per month
Interest rate on outstanding delinquent account balance including all interest, service charges, or other relevant fees/charges 1.5%/per month
Refunds will not be made for amounts less than $10.00
User Rates for City Storm Drainage System
Customer Charge Equivalent Dwelling Unit (3,200 sq. ft) $0.20
Commodity Charge EDU $0.80
PW Permit Fees
Basic Right-of Way Permit (includes sidewalk reconstruction/repair, sidewalk new construction behind existing curb, tree 
removal, and heavy haul routes; fee doubles upon incurring damage).
Recording of Easements and Improvement Agreements. (Not subject to basic permit fee if no other right-of-way work being done. Linn Co. Fee + $10.00 Administrative Fee
Meter only in Subdivision Lots $350.00
Utility Franchise Permit: Fees Governed by Individual Utility Franchise Agreements.    
Service Connection Inspection Fees (Typical of Residential & Small Commercial Construction)
Driveway Access (new/widen/reconstruction) $30.00
Driveway Culvert (new/extension)  $20.00
Sewer Lateral Connection to Main  $30.00
Storm Drainage Connection to Curb, Main, or Channel $10.00
Connection to City Water System when Installed by a Contractor $60.00
Infrastructure Inspection Fees (Typical of Subdivision and Large Commercial Construction)
"1000 lf incr" means per 1000 Linear Feet Increment    
Half Street Improvements  $100.00 Per 1000 lf incr
Full Street Improvements  $350.00 Per 1000 lf incr
Storm Sewer Mainline (new or extended)  $60.00 Per 1000 lf incr
Sanitary Sewer Mainline (new or extended)  $150.00 Per 1000 lf incr
Water Mainline (new or extended), Private Fire Supply Line or Service Which Required Public Testing  $300.00 Per 1000 lf incr
Stormwater Management - Water Quality/Detention/Retention/Open Channel/Swale  $60.00
Development Plan Review up to 5 Hours  $350.00
Development Plan Review over 5 Hours  $60.00/hr
Erosion Control Plan Review
Parcel 10,000 sq. ft to 43,559 sq. ft (1 Acre)  $50.00
Over 1 Acre w/o Erosion Control Certificate  $75.00
Industrial Waste Pretreatment
Discharge Application Review  $100.00
Discharge Permit  $100.00
Monitoring & Inspection  Cost or $30.00 Min
Response to Accidental Discharge   Cost or $30.00 Min
Filing Appeals  Cost or $30.00 Min
Administration for Abatement Procedures $25.00
Bulk Water Service Fees
Hydrant Meter Deposit (refundable) $1,650.00
Bulk Water Permit Base Fee $60.00
Bulk Water Commodity Fee See Bulk user rate as per Water Utility Fees resolution
System Development Charges and Utility Assessments
effective 07/01/2022 per Resolution No. 9 of 2021
Water SDC, ¾" meter $3,909.00
Water SDC, 1" meter $9,772.00
Water SDC, 1.5" meter $19,544.00
Water SDC, 2" meter $31,270.00
Water SDC, 3" meter $62,540.00
Water SDC, 4" meter $97,719.00
Water SDC, 6" meter $195,438.00
Sanitary Sewer SDC, based on ¾" water meter $3,074.00
Sanitary Sewer SDC, based on 1" water meter $7,685.00
Sanitary Sewer SDC, based on 1.5" water meter $15,369.00
Sanitary Sewer SDC, based on 2" water meter $24,591.00
Sanitary Sewer SDC, based on 3" water meter $17,494.00
Sanitary Sewer SDC, based on 4" water meter $28,295.00
Sanitary Sewer SDC, based on 6" water meter $46,074.00
Foster Midway Sewer Assessment $900.00
Fed Fund EPA #C-410432-02-2 or EDA #07-51-23386  
Transportation SDC $0.00
Stormwater SDC $0.00
Parks SDC $0.00
Water Service Site Installation by City
Water Service Installation by City, 3/4" Meter, through Asphalt/Concrete $2,500.00
Water Service Installation by City, 3/4" Meter, through Gravel/Soil $2,100.00
Water Service Installation by City, 1" Meter, through Asphalt/Concrete $2,600.00
Water Service Installation by City, 1" Meter, through Gravel/Soil $2,200.00
Water Service Installation by City, 1.5" Meter, through Asphalt/Concrete $2,800.00
Water Service Installation by City, 1.5" Meter, through Gravel/Soil $2,500.00
Water Service Installation by City, 2" and larger Meter & Service Project Specific w/ Const.
Water Service Installation by City, Custom Non-standard Installation, various meter sizes Time and Materials
Engineering Document Plan Copies
Size Paper/Photo
18 X 24 2.50/5.00
24 X 36 4.00/8.00
36 X 48 8.00/16.00
Electronic Data Files
GIS Aerial Photographs, .SID or .TIF 20.00 / per image (1/4) section
GIS Attributed Vector Data, .SHP 20.00/per layer
AutoCAD Electronic Data Files, .DWG or .DWF 20.00/per requested area
Custom map work in increments of 1/4 hour, subject to staff availability 60.00/hour + printing fees
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