
The budget for the City of Sweet Home is developed annually under the provisions of Oregon Local Budget Law defined by ORS 294.305 to 294.565. A budget is a financial plan containing estimates of revenues and expenditures for a given period or purpose. The City's budget is based on a fiscal year (FY) beginning July 1st of the first year and ending June 30th of the next. As required by Oregon law, the City must appoint a Budget Officer who prepares a budget and presents it to the Budget Committee. In the City of Sweet Home, the City Manager acts as the Budget Officer.

2024-2025 Budget

Click here to view a PDF version of the current budget. Past budgets may be accessed here.

The Budget Committee received the budget and annual Budget Message during a public meeting on April 26, 2023. During this meeting, the Committee reviewed and approved the property tax rate and proposed City budget for FY 2023-2024.

Meetings of the Budget Committee are held at Sweet Home's City Hall at 3225 Main Street and are open to the public. All meetings are also live-streamed online. You can access the live feed by visiting live.sweethomeor.gov. Viewers have an opportunity, through the live-stream, to submit public comments and questions to the Committee. Public comment is also accepted by calling (541) 367-5218. You may check for agendas on our agenda site.