Municipal Liens

Changes in ORS 93.643 and ORS 223.230 require the City to record certain liens in the County Clerk's office or provide access by an online electronic medium. The City has elected to record this information online with a conduit service.  In order to search for city liens, a title company will need to contact the conduit service directly at and request permission to search. 

The lien information consists of:

  • Local improvements
  • District assessments
  • Mowing charge assessments
  • System development charges
  • Nuisance abatement charges
  • Housing rehabilitation loans

The City's Municipal Code that relates to the water and wastewater system also directs that any charges that remain unpaid for more than 30 days constitute a lien upon the real property for which the service was provided. 

Lien Search Fee
The lien search fee approved by the Sweet Home City Council to access lien information is $25 per tax lot.