Council Goals


Each year, the Sweet Home City Council meets in a Council Work Session to outline City accomplishments, discuss progress of past goals, and develop goals for the upcoming fiscal year. Those City Council Goals were adopted by the City Council as a resolution. You can visit the Project Management Dashboard to track projects and view timelines associated with Council Goals. The City Council is also guided by its Vision Statement and Mission Statement, which are reviewed and affirmed each year. The current fiscal year's goals and statements were adopted by Resolution No. 2 for 2024



WE, as City Council,  have been entrusted to make decisions that do the most good, for the most people,
for the longest period of time to enhance the quality of life for our community.


I.    WE ASPIRE to make Sweet Home a community people find desirable to live in.
II.   WE ASPIRE to have an effective and efficient local government.
III.  WE ASPIRE to provide viable and sustainable infrastructure.
IV.  WE ASPIRE to provide viable and sustainable essential services.
V.   WE ASPIRE to create an economically strong environment in which businesses prosper.



The City of Sweet Home will work to build an economically strong community with an efficient and effective local government that will provide infrastructure and essential services to the citizens we serve. As efficient stewards of the valuable assets available, we will be responsive to the community while planning and preparing for the future.