Planning Commission

Member Profession Date Appointed Term End Date
Vacant   04/23/19 12/31/26
Jamie Melcher Realtor 02/08/21 12/31/25
Eva Jurney Registered Nurse, Retired 01/01/17 12/31/24
Laura Wood Consultant 01/22/19 12/31/26
Joe Graybill Retired 04/09/24 12/31/26
Nancy White Retired 03/28/23 12/31/27
Henry Wolthuis Dentist, Retired 01/22/19 12/31/26


Planning Commission meetings are open to the public and held in the Sweet Home City Hall, 3225 Main Street, Sweet Home, OR 97386 at 6:30 PM on the first and third Thursday of each month. Special meetings may also be scheduled as needed. Planning Commission meetings are posted on the City's Online Meeting and Events Calendar.

The Role of the Planning Commission

The seven-member Planning Commission provides citizen review and recommendations on planning-related matters to City Council. The Planning Commission has two distinct functions. The Commission is involved in the preparation and revision of the community's comprehensive plan and local land use regulations, such as the zoning or subdivision code. This role is advisory to the City Council. The Commissioners forward a recommended plan (or ordinance) to the governing body for consideration.

The Commission also reviews development proposals, such as subdivisions. The Commission holds public hearings and makes decisions on certain types of land use actions. In these cases, the Planning Commission's decision would be subject to appeal to City Council.

Planning Commissioners provide an invaluable service to the city: they advise City Council and City staff on Sweet Home's long-range goals, policies, and programs on a broad array of issues related to land use, transportation, and current planning.

How to Get Involved

Planning Commission Meetings are open to the public. Feel free to attend a meeting!

Interested in Becoming a Planning Commissioner?

Planning Commissioners are appointed to four-year terms by the City Council. As vacancies occur, information is posted on the City's website.

Qualifications to Becoming a Planning Commissioner

Members must be City residents; no more than two members can be non-city members (residing within School District No. 55 boundaries). No more than two of the voting members may engage principally in the buying, selling or developing of real estate for profit as individuals, or be members of any partnership, or officers or employees of any corporation that engages principally in the buying, selling or developing of real estate for profit. No more than two of the members appointed by the City Council shall be engaged in the same kind of business, trade or profession.