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Judicial Process- FAQs
This information is provided to help you understand the judicial process. We have attempted to answer the most frequently asked questions. If you have a specific question about your case that has not been answered here, please call the Municipal Court Office at (541) 367-4660.
The Sweet Home Municipal Court is the judicial branch of the Sweet Home City Government. The Court has jurisdiction over all city and state law offenses committed within the city limits, excluding felonies. The Court does not handle civil or small claims cases.
Can the Clerk at the counter take my plea or reduce my fine?
Yes, Sweet Home Municipal Court does offer a Violations Bureau in traffic cases only. You must contact the Court prior to your scheduled court date to see if your citation would qualify to be handled by the clerk. Click on the link to Violations Bureau.
Can I see the Judge?
Yes, in the courtroom during regularly scheduled court times. You must be scheduled on the court docket by the Court clerk to see the Judge. The Judge is not available for one-on-one visits.
Can I speak to the Judge in private?
No. In order to remain fair and impartial to all people, the Municipal Court Judge must discuss all cases while acting in his official capacity as Judge, in the courtroom during regularly scheduled court times.
Can I talk to the Judge in person or by telephone?
No. The Judge does not discuss cases in person or over the phone. The Judge only handles court matters in the courtroom during regular arraignment times or by mail.
Can I have a court appointed attorney?
You may request a court appointed attorney at your arraignment date. Keep in mind, however, that only misdemeanor charges qualify. You will be required to fill out an affidavit that states your financial status. The Court will then decide if you qualify.
What is an arraignment?
An arraignment is the first appearance before a Court to answer to a charge. When you receive a citation, you must enter a plea of either guilty, no contest, or not guilty to the Court. This entry of plea is done at arraignment.
When do you have arraignments?
Arraignments are the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month:
- 9:00 AM – Pre-trials and Warrants
- 10:00 AM – Criminal Arraignments
- 11:00 AM – Traffic and Show Causes
- 12:00 PM - Community Court
When do you have trials?
Criminal trials are usually scheduled on Fridays. Traffic and code violation trials are scheduled on Wednesdays at 10:30am and 11:30am.
If I plead not guilty, when will my trial be?
Trials are set in advance about two months. If you plead not guilty today, your case will be set within approximately two months. For traffic we also have a Trial by Affidavit option. You may request this option at arraignment or contact the Court office prior to your court date for information. Click on the link to Trial by Affidavit.
If I plead guilty, do I have to pay today?
Yes, if possible. If you need time to pay, be sure you ask the Judge or the Court Clerk for payment arrangements when you enter your plea. There is a one time $35.00 service fee for installment payment agreements.
My schedule makes it impossible to appear in court, what can I do?
For criminal charges you must appear in person. The Court does not require a personal appearance on traffic and other violations.
Options for entering a plea are set forth on the back of the traffic citation. A plea of "not guilty", "no contest" or "guilty" can be entered on traffic violations. If a plea of "no contest" or "guilty" is entered, bail in the amount shown on the ticket as "base fine" should be posted unless otherwise instructed by the Court clerk. Your plea must be received by the Court prior to your scheduled court date. Payment plans are also available. Violations Bureau is also available. Trial by Affidavit is allowed on traffic violation cases only. In lieu of a personal appearance, any person charged with a traffic violation may enter a "not guilty" plea and submit a notarized Affidavit in lieu of giving oral testimony. Click on the link to Trial by Affidavit or Violations Bureau.
Can I change my court date?
It is possible to change your court date in emergency circumstances only. You must contact the Court office prior to your scheduled court date to make arrangements.
Can I change my trial date?
To get a trial date changed you must write a letter to the Judge requesting a continuance and the reasons why. Your letter must be received in the Court office within 10 days prior to your trial date.
Jurors from the community are summoned to serve for a period of six months. Two panels are summoned per year. The first panel serves from January 1st through June 30th, and the second panel serves from July 1st through December 31st. Click on the link to Jury Duty- FAQs.
How can I pay my court fines and fees?
Sweet Home Municipal Court accepts cash, checks, money orders, VISA, and MasterCard for payment of court fines and fees. Payments to the Court can be made in person during business hours. Check or money order payments can be mailed to Sweet Home Municipal Court 1950 Main St. Sweet Home, OR 97386, or they can be placed in our drop box after hours. Credit or debit card payments can be made by using our online portal. Please be advised that billing reminders or statements are not a Court service and failure to pay may result in the suspension of your driving privileges and collection action. Click on the link to Fine Payment Policy.
What do I do if I have been turned over to collection?
The Court contracts with an external collection agency for assignment of accounts deemed uncollectible in-house. The Court has established specific criteria and timelines for submittal of accounts to the external collection agency. Defendants with accounts assigned to the external collection agency must contact and work directly with the collection agency to make payment arrangements. The Court will receive notification of account payments from the collection agency each time a payment is received. When the account is paid with a minimum down payment of half of the balance in collection and a payment agreement in place with the collection agency, the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles will be notified for Suspension Clearances. Click on the link to Fine Payment Policy.
Can I get a copy of court records?
The Court is the legal custodian of Sweet Home Municipal Court Records. Court personnel do not have the authority to disclose records from other agencies or offer any legal advice.
Any member of the public may request copies of Sweet Home Municipal Court documents which are not exempt by law from disclosure.
The City of Sweet Home has a Public Records Request Form and charges a minimal fee for the costs of providing records. The fees are set in accordance to the Administrative Fee Schedule maintained by the City Manager’s office. Click on the link to Public Records Request.
The information on this site does not constitute legal advice it is provided for information only. While we make every effort to provide accurate information, there is not guarantee as to the accuracy.
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