Resolution No. 22 for 2020 - A Resolution of the City of Sweet Home, Linn County, Oregon Calling an Election to Submit to the Electors of the City of Sweet Home


Resolution No. 22 for 2020 - A Resolution of the City of Sweet Home, Linn County, Oregon Calling an Election to Submit to the Electors of the City of Sweet Home the Question of Renewing the Current Five Year Police Services Operating Levy for Another Five Years Beginning July 1, 2021.
Ordinance/Resolution ID: 
Ordinance/Resolution Status: 
Adopted Date: 
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
File Attachments: 


Resolution No. 22 for 2020 - A Resolution of the City of Sweet Home, Linn County, Oregon Calling an Election to Submit to the Electors of the City of Sweet Home the Question of Renewing the Current Five Year Police Services Operating Levy for Another Five Years Beginning July 1, 2021.