Sweet Home City Council accepts city manager's resignation

SWEET HOME, Ore. February 19, 2022 — At Friday night's Sweet Home City Council special meeting, the City Council unanimously voted to accept the resignation of City Manager Ray Towry. Mr. Towry elected to resign and pursue professional opportunities in another municipality.

Towry has completed five years of service as City Manager. During that time, Mr. Towry successfully led initiatives to revamp the culture of City government while also addressing Sweet Home's considerable infrastructure needs. Improvements included a new City Hall and street, sewer, and water facilities. He also secured outside funding for wastewater treatment plant upgrades and Sankey Park improvements. Under his management, the City closed each fiscal year with total expenditures under budget.

During the same meeting, Sweet Home City Council approved the contract of Christy Wurster to serve as the City Manager Pro Tem. She will begin on Wednesday, February 23, 2022.