Park & Tree Committee

The Park and Tree Committee meetings are open to the public and held in the Sweet Home City Hall, 3225 Main Street, Sweet Home, OR 97386 at 8:30 AM on the third Wednesday of each month.


Member Date Appointed Term End Date
Lance (Wally) Shreves, Chair 03/13/2018 02/22/2026
Nancy Patton 12/12/2006 12/31/2026
Lena Tucker 12/31/2015 12/31/2026
Bob Dalton 01/23/2018 02/22/2026
Debra Northern 03/13/2018 12/31/2027
Scott Swanson 10/22/2024 12/31/2026
Matthew Bechtel 03/28/2023 12/31/2026
Aaron Hegge, Council Representative


The Park and Tree Committee is responsible for recommending the following to City Council:

  1. To conduct an inventory of existing street trees, including historical trees and public properties in need of beautification and plantings and present a written report to the City Council of its findings;
  2. To develop and recommend to the City Council, for its adoption, a master list of trees suitable for planting within the city. The list shall be reviewed annually, a copy of which shall be kept on file in the office of the City Recorder for public information;
  3. To develop and recommend to the City Council, for its adoption, ordinances, and policies for the planting, care, maintenance, replacement, and protection of trees throughout the city;
  4. To act in an advisory capacity to the Planning Commission with respect to landscape design, suitable plantings, protection of natural vegetation, and street tree requirements;
  5. To submit recommendations to the City Council regarding the beautification of public properties and rights-of-way;
  6. To promote public knowledge and acceptance of the value of tree planting and maintenance programs and requirements;
  7. To develop a capital development program for each fiscal year, to include acquisition of new land and/or development of existing property for parks and other recreation areas;
  8. To recommend recreation programming needs to be produced by the city;
  9. To recommend an operating budget to carry out the recreation program as outlined for the forthcoming fiscal year; and
  10. To perform additional duties and studies as may be required from time to time by the City Council.
  11. To meet a minimum of four meetings a year, beginning with the month of December, which meeting should be devoted to the development of the next year's capital and recreation programs.