Waste Water Treatment Plant Improvement Project Public Input Sought

City Council Seeking Public Input

At their regularly scheduled meeting on April 9, City Council is asking for the public to attend, question and comment on the proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project. City Council meetings are held at the Sweet Home Police Department, 1950 Main St, Sweet Home Oregon at 6:30 p.m. 

The City of Sweet Home treats the sewage from our homes and business at our wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), which is vitally important in protecting the health of the South Santiam River. Our WWTP needs to be upgraded to comply with State regulations we are required to meet.

Over the past 20 years, our community has spent a lot of money upgrading the pipes that deliver wastewater from our homes to the WWTP. Our current WWTP is old, difficult to operate and has violated the permit that allows us to discharge treated water to the South Santiam River. This has resulted in fines from the state. Once complete, the WWTP upgrades will serve our community for the next 20 years and beyond. We will be spending wisely, taking advantage of the past investments of our community by rehabilitating, reusing and repurposing as much of the existing WWTP as possible to keep costs down. Sweet Home is committed to keeping customers informed about plans for the wastewater system improvements, protecting water quality in local streams and rivers, and keeping costs as low as possible for sewer customers. 

Feel free to review the FAQs