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Resolution No. 4 for 1997 - Setting Rates & Fees for Water Services
Ordinance/Resolution ID:
Ordinance/Resolution Status:
Adopted Date:
Tuesday, January 14, 1997
WHEREAS, the Sweet Home City Council has provided that Water Use Rates should be established by resolution, in accordance with Ordinance No. 1100,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SWEET HOME CITY COUNCIL that effective January 1, 1997, the water use fees shall be as follows:
For purposes of this resolution, the City Council shall annually review Water Rates before May of each year and set the new monthly rate for bills sent out each July.
Section 1. The rates for water use to be charged for each billing period are as follows:
A minimum charge for each water service will be made according to meter size as follows:
Meter Size / Monthly Base Charge
3/4 inch $ 5.70
1 inch $8.40
1-1/2 inch $16.90
2 inch $28.95
3 inch $63.30
4 inch $111.25
6 inch $248.50
8 inch $441.00
A consumption charge of $1.90 per 100 cubic feet of water used shall be made in addition to the Monthly Base Charge for all meter sizes.
The Monthly Base Charge for a water line installed solely for the purpose of providing fire protection shall be the 3/4 inch rate charged for a residence. If the monthly reading of the meter indicates any usage, the Monthly Base Charge will be the normal charge for the meter size installed as shown above in addition to the charge for consumption.
Section 2. Miscellaneous water service fees to be established as follows:
a. Reinstating water service to any property deprived of such service under Ordinance No. 1100 Section 3; a fee of $25.
b. Turning water service on that has been turned off without permit by persons other than City employees, under Ordinance No. 1100 , Section 9; a fee of $25.
c. Turning off and turning on water service after hours; a fee of $30. During regular hours $15 (after hours at users' request only).
d. Re-reading the water meter at the request of the user, if the previous reading was correct; a fee of $10.
e. Calibration or reinstallation of water meters at the request of the user if the previous meter was registering correctly; a fee of $25.
f. Lien search; a fee of $10.
g. Vacationers' water on/off; a fee of$10 each visit.
h. Tampering with a water meter affecting register; a fee of $100.
i. Fees for special portable metered or estimated water usage; i.e., swimming pool fills, tanker fills, and street sweeper fills, and other usage as required shall have a $10 minimum charge and be charged at a
$1.90 per 100 cubic feet, or $0.19/100 gallons. Such usage must be with permit as approved by the
City Engineer. Unmetered tankers may pay as follows: Under 500 gallons = $10; 500 to 2000 gallons = $15; 2000 to 4000 gallons= $20; 4000 to 6000 = $25.
j. Water Deposit: $50
k. Temporary Water Service Fee: $15
l. Plan Review Fee for Required Backflow Devices: One Device: $10; Additional Devices: $5 Each
m. Notification by Door Hanging: $15
Section 3. Other associated fees, practices and charges for water and sewer installation and hookup are described in Ordinance Nos. 839 and 1023, or other current superseding ordinances.
It has been determined that these rates and fees are classified as not being subject to Oregon Constitution, Article XI, Section 11b limitations.
This resolution replaces Resolution No. 24 for 1996.
PASSED and approved by the City Council of Sweet Home this 14th day of January, 1997.