2018 U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree Tour Route & Map

Capitol Tree 2015

Announcing the 2018 U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree Tour
The “People’s Tree” will make cross-country journey from Oregon to Washington D.C.

Attached is a list of all of the places "our" tree will visit on it's trek across the country before arriving in Washington D.C.  Also attached is a map of the route the tree will make.  It will take three weeks to get the tree to the White House... 

The official tree lighting will occur in early December as determined by the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. This is the first tree selected from the Willamette National Forest and the second tree to come from Oregon.

If you have questions regarding the Sweet Home Capitol Tree or  The Sweet Home Capitol Christmas Tree Celebration on November 9th, call the Sweet Home Chamber of Commerce at 541-367-6786 or send an email to the U.S. Forest Service at capitolchristmastreesh2018@gmail.com 


Keep up to date on all of the events by visiting the Willamette National Forest page:



 The Capitol Christmas Tree Facebook page here:
