Census 2020

Since 1790, the U.S. Census Bureau has conducted a census every ten years to determine the number of people living in the United States, as required by the U.S. Constitution.  We need your help to achieve a complete count in Sweet Home for Census 2020.

Participating In The Census Is Easier Than Ever

It’s easy, safe and it's confidential to respond to the census. It will only take a few minutes to complete the census survey – which will be available online for the first time.

  • Online:  Each household will receive a postcard with a personal code to complete the census online via computer or smart phone.
  • By phone:  If you prefer, you will be able to call to complete the census by phone in 13 languages. Language guides will also be offered in 59 languages.
  • By mail:  Call to request a hard copy form in over 59 languages to complete and return by Census day.

By law, the information cannot be shared with law enforcement, including Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or the Internal Revenue Service. Title 13 is clear that the data collected can only be used for statistical purposes and your privacy is protected. 


What is on the Census 2020 Form?

Starting in early 2020, households across the United States will receive a postcard from the U.S. Census Bureau with information on how to access the Census 2020 form online, in print, or by phone.  If you select to receive a printed copy by mail, you will receive a form to complete on behalf of you and your household and mail back prior to the April 1, 2020 deadline.  Otherwise, the same questions will be available on the online form, or you may complete the questionnaire by phone in 13 languages, with additional language assistance available in 54 languages.

Click HERE to see is a sample form. 


Why We Ask

The 2020 Census is easy. The questions are simple.

The census asks questions that provide a snapshot of the nation. Census results affect your voice in government, how much funding your community receives, and how your community plans for the future. When you fill out the census, you help:

  • Determine how many seats your state gets in Congress.
  • Guide how more than $675 billion in federal funding is distributed to states and communities each year.
  • Create jobs, provide housing, prepare for emergencies, and build schools, roads and hospitals.

HERE is the Fact Sheet of why we ask certain questions.