Sweet Home Community Foundation announces its 2019 Community Grant Cycle


NEWS RELEASE January 4, 2019

Contact: Jennifer Hill 541-730-3670

SUBJECT: Sweet Home Community Foundation announces its 2019 Community Grant Cycle and seeks grant requests.
The Sweet Home Community Foundation will begin its annual grant cycle on January 15 and is seeking proposals. The goal of the Foundation is to provide funding and support to a wide variety of Sweet Home community projects. Special consideration is placed on projects that provide lasting benefits to our community.

Grants are given in the following broad categories: Children and Families; Education; Community Livability and Arts and Culture. Grants of between $250.00 and $2500.00 are awarded but consideration will be given to requests up to $5000.00 based upon the project need and quality.

Grant application packets are available for download from the SHCF website. Completed applications must be returned via email or received by the Sweet Home Community Foundation, P.O. Box 24, Sweet Home, OR 97386, by 5:00 PM on February 15, 2019.

Grant applicants must be a 501(c)(3) or other qualified tax-exempt organization or the proposed project may be implemented in partnership or affiliation with such an organization.

Support for the Foundation is provided through the generosity of local individuals and businesses.

Grant award recipients will be announced in March.