City Council Meetings

The City of Sweet Home City Council typically holds its regular meetings on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. There are also occasionally work sessions at other times. Please check our agenda site for the latest meeting notices. The City of Sweet Home is streaming the meeting via the Microsoft Teams platform and asks the public to utilize this option. There will be opportunity for public input via the live stream. A Microsoft Teams account is not required to join this meeting. Any member of the public who joins the meeting via video or phone will join as an attendee and will be muted upon joining. If participating via video, to speak with staff, press the hand icon to "raise your hand" and you will be moved into a queue to speak. Chances for public comment occur at the beginning of the meeting and at the sole discretion of the Chair of the meeting. You may also utilize the chat function of Teams if you wish to type your comments or questions instead of speaking. 

Click here to join the meeting

Please note that these meetings are recorded and anything said or put in writing will become part of the public record.

If you are unable to access the meeting via video, you can call (541) 367-5128 and enter conference ID 276 473 769 028 to join the meeting in audio only mode. Please note there is no public participation option if using the phone line only. If you wish to submit testimony in advance of the meeting, please provide it to or drop it off at City Hall at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. The phone line opens 15 minutes prior to the meeting start time. This video stream and call in options meet the requirements for Oregon public meeting law.