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Online Resources
For more than 60 years, Gale, a Cengage Company has partnered with libraries around the world to empower the discovery of knowledge and insights by all people, for all purposes.
Knowledge is power, and the act of learning is empowering. Access to knowledge offers learners an opportunity to discover the motivation and inspiration vital to making a positive contribution in not only their own lives, but the rest of the world. That’s why Gale provides libraries with original and curated content, as well as the modern research tools that are crucial in connecting libraries to learning, and learners to libraries.
Libby is a free app where you can borrow ebooks and digital audiobooks from your public library. You can stream books with Wi-Fi or mobile data, or download them for offline use and read anytime, anywhere. All you need to get started is your library card.
Adolescent Mental Health Resources in Oregon
Oregon Family - to - Family Health Information Center. A project of OHSU to provide adolescent mental health information and support for all Oregon families with kid's of all ages.
Youthline - teen crisis helpline
YouthLine is a free teen-to-teen crisis support and help line. YouthLine is confidential to a point- while we will never share conversations had on the lines, we are mandatory reporters. If a young person is unable to agree to safety for themselves or another person, or if abuse is occurring, YouthLine contacts other agencies to ensure the best support and safety for the young person in crisis. Teens are available to help daily from 4-10pm PST (adults are available by phone at all other times!).
A project of the Oregon Heritage Commission, the State Library of Oregon, and the Washington State Library. This web page will give you access to thousands and thousands of digital images and documents celebrating the history of Oregon and Washington.
State Library of Oregon Digital Collections
The State Library has been collecting and cataloging state publications since it was commissioned in 1907.Over the years, these agency reports have morphed from print into digital versions and with some only available online. To keep up with this technology, the State Library uses software to create a digital bookshelf, where you can find these digital materials. Over 164,000 Oregon government publications are available online!
Chronicling America : Historic American Newspapers : Oregon
Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. This link will take you directly to all of the Oregon newspapers that are in the collection.
Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks. Choose among free e-pub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world’s great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the eBooks, for you to enjoy.
Grief Resources for Kids, Parents and Teens - Dougy Center
Dougy Center offers a wide range of resources for people of all ages who are grieving before and after a death.
Reach Out Oregon is an initiative of Oregon Family Support Network (OFSN). They are families and youth working together to promote mental, behavioral and emotional wellness for other families and youth through education, support, and advocacy. They offer a warm line at 833-732-2467, a website, a chat room for any family member needing support and weekly virtual support groups.
Mental Health America Resources
Mental Health resources for immediate response.
One of the big obstacles homeless youth face is a lack of understanding of the law and the options available to them. These knowledge gaps for homeless youth are both wide and deep. In addition, many nonlegal professionals who are committed to helping homeless youth also lack information about their legal rights. The key was to help craft a resource for not only youth but also social workers, shelter staff, school personnel, medical personnel, law enforcement, and anyone else willing to help them access the information they need.
Archives West - Orbis Cascade Alliance
Archives West provides access to descriptions of primary sources in the western United States, including correspondence, diaries or photographs. Digital reproductions of the materials are available in some cases. These archives include collections from Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, Montana, and Wyoming
The Civil Rights Digital Library Initiative represents one of the most ambitious and comprehensive efforts to date to deliver educational content on the Civil Rights Movement via the Web. The struggle for racial equality in the 1950s and 1960s is among the most far-reaching social movements in the nation's history, and it represents a crucial step in the evolution of American democracy. This project brings together more than 200 libraries, archives, and museums to provide free online access to historical materials documenting the Civil Rights Movement in the United States.
Latinos in Heritage Conservation
Established in 2014, Latinos in Heritage Conservation is a national organization dedicated to promoting Latinx leadership and engagement in historic preservation.
OMA is an archive with records that document African American, Asian American, Latino/a and Native American communities to reflect how they have contributed to the identity of the state of Oregon.