Transportation System Plan Update


Every few years, the City updates Sweet Home’s Transportation System Plan (TSP). Sweet Home’s TSP guides both operations and development of the City’s transportation network. It has an outlook of about 20 years into the future. It helps determine:

  • How to update the development code and zoning designations.
  • Which future projects, policies, and programs we should fund first.
  • Among future constructions projects, which ones we should build first.

Many parts of our current transportation network started as projects on the list in previous versions of the TSP. Examples include sidewalk and road improvements and construction of multi-use paths.


We adopted the current TSP in 2005, and a lot has changed in 18 years. We know we need to better connect neighborhoods, commercial services, employment and recreation sites so people can easily reach them both with and without cars. Also, updating the TSP will help support the recent development code

update and analysis of our housing needs.


Sweet Home’s TSP covers transportation facilities, safety improvements and services to support planned land uses. These are multi-modal, which means they’re about all the ways people could get around (such as sidewalks, roads, trails, bike lanes and rail crossings).

The TSP also includes research, analysis and public input, so we can show our work about how we make decisions.

We want to hear from you:

  • Are there major gaps in our transportation system?
  • What transportation updates would you like to see?
  • How would these improve your experience in getting around town?

As residents, you have lots of experience in getting around Sweet Home. We’re especially interested in your comments about determining rail crossings for access to the North Sweet Home Area, developing active transit to connect to more places, and support our Safe Routes to school program by promoting walking and biking to/from school.


Contact Angela Clegg, Planning & Building Manager, at 541-818-8029 or

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