Peer Court

Peer Court Logo


The Sweet Home Peer Court is an alternative court within the criminal justice system for juveniles who commit misdemeanors or violations. Youth may be referred to Peer Court by police officers, the Juvenile Department or the school resource officer.

After admitting their guilt, offenders can be accepted into Peer Court. Juries made up of junior and high school students hear their cases. After determining the facts of the case, each jury recommends a sentence for the defendant that is appropriate for the crime and the circumstances.

Juries are made up of volunteers and offenders. After sentencing, the Peer Court Coordinator monitors each case to assure that the offender complies with the sentence. Students who fail to comply with the sentencing are referred to the Linn County Juvenile Department.

The Peer Court's ultimate objective is to deter youth from the commission of second offenses...and by its example as a model for understanding justice and law, to prevent more first time offenses as well.



In order to be eligible for consideration in Peer Court, the following conditions must be met:

  • Offender is under 18 years of age
  • First or second time offender
  • Admission of guilt regarding the offense
  • Consent by both offender and Parent/Guardian

Typical offenses heard by the court are:

  • Minor in possession of Marijuana
  • Minor in possession of Tobacco
  • Minor in possession of Alcohol
  • Littering
  • Criminal Trespass
  • Theft
  • Criminal Mischief
  • Reckless Burning
  • Assault IV
  • Disorderly Conduct
  • Harassment
  • Carrying a concealed weapon


When a police officer contacts an offender, they will be cited to appear before the Peer Court. Linn County Juvenile Department will schedule an interview with the offender and their parent or guardian to determine if the offender is eligible for the program and if they agree to complete the program.

An appearance date is scheduled, and the offender appears, with a parent or guardian, to have the case heard. The presiding Judge is a local adult or student volunteer who will ensure that all legal requirements are met. Students will act as Case Presenters, summarize the case, and present any circumstances that may affect the sentence. Finally, a jury composed of other student volunteers and former offenders will decide the appropriate sentence in the case.

Sentencing will typically involve community service, restitution when appropriate, and will always include future service as a peer court juror. At any point during the process, an offender who fails to carry out sentencing is automatically turned over to the Juvenile courts for prosecution. Peer Court allows the offender a "second chance" to avoid the system. The court may remove all record of the offense from the youth's legal record once the sentence is successfully completed.


The following are typical sanctions:

  • Community Service hours shall consist of 0-40 hours
  • Maximum number of words given for essay: 500
  • Verbal or letter of apology
  • Restitution
  • All defendants must sit as a juror at least once per infraction
  • Attend Life Choices Class
  • Attend Victims Impact panel
  • Attend Anger Management classes
  • Attend Drug/Alcohol evaluation and follow recommendations




(Must be 13 years as of age)
(ex: 10th/2022)
Do you work? *
Have you ever been found guilty of a crime? *
Have you ever come in contact with or had any experience with any law enforcement agency or the court system? *
Have you ever been the victim of a crime? *
What Peer Court role(s) would you be interested in: *
Ethics Promise:
I solemnly swear, promise or affirm that I will not consume or produce, any alcohol, illegal drugs or tobacco while a Volunteer for the Sweet Home Peer Court. I am aware that if I participate in such activities described above, I will be disciplined by a jury of my peers in the Sweet Home Peer Court and will abide by such sanctions set forth. The following date attests to my non-participation in such activities.
Parental Release for Photographing and Quoting Youth:
As parent/legal guardian, I give Sweet Home Peer Court permission to photograph, videotape and quote my child, a minor, regarding conference, training, or any other event my child may be involved with the Sweet Home Peer Court. I understand that any photographs, videotape or quotes may be edited as deemed necessary and that photos or footage may be maintained for possible use in the future by Sweet Home Peer Court. The following date attests to my release.
I have agreed to submit this application by electronic means. By signing this application electronically, I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I also certify that: 1. I understand the questions and statements on this application. 2. I have read and understand the legal information. 3. I understand the penalties for giving false information or breaking the rules. I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature. By typing my name below, I am electronically signing my application.