
New Tahoe Front

Considered by many to be the backbone of the organization, the Patrol Division is the largest and most visible unit of the Sweet Home Police Department.  Patrol Officers are on duty twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, and are usually the first to arrive at the scenes of crashes, crimes, or disasters.

The Patrol Division is led by four patrol sergeants under the supervision of the Chief of Police. There are 8 Patrol Officers and one School Resource Officer.

Patrol Officers respond to calls from the public and are usually the first units to arrive at an emergency. They provide uniformed law enforcement services for criminal and non-criminal activities. These officers provide initial investigation services on nearly all criminal activity. Patrol Officers conduct investigations, enforce traffic laws and city ordinances, provide citizen assistance, and patrol our community to prevent criminal activities and neighborhood problems. They are also responsible for traffic law enforcement, traffic accident investigations and responding to traffic complaints. The primary goal of traffic enforcement is to make our roadways safer by changing driving behavior.

Traffic matters have been identified as a top community concern. If you have a complaint concerning a traffic-related problem in your neighborhood, please contact the Sweet Home Police Department. 

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Hamlin at the Safety Fair
Bike Safety Ride
Reading Day at the Sweet Home Public Library
Gingerbread Search with Officer Bolkcom
Rangemaster Hickcox
Shop With A Cop
Patrol Car Throwback
Chief Jason Ogden Jason Ogden City Manager / Police Chief (541) 367-5181
Captain Ryan Cummings Ryan Cummings Police Captain (541) 367-5181